
Issue Mapping

The 91¿ì²¥ Subject Matter Experts Directory is a searchable listing of academic scholars and practitioners who are knowledgeable and experienced in specific topical areas.

What is a subject matter expert?

A subject matter expert or "SME" is a professional or academic scholar who has a demonstrated expertise in a topical area based on their academic or professional credentials and professional experience.

The experts listed in this directory showcase the broad range of expertise areas at the 91¿ì²¥.

For more information about the Subject Matter Experts Directory, please contact the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at orsp@triton.uog.edu.

To request additions, edits, or updates to this directory, please submit an OIT HelpDesk ticket ("UOG Website Directory Edit" ticket type)

Note: Default Directory listing is displayed in alphabetical order, based on last name


Views and opinions expressed by a Subject Matter Expert are their own and do not reflect the official policy or position of the 91¿ì²¥.